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Social Hub

Welcome to your home for all things social media at SouthLake Christian. Catch the latest photos, videos, and news, all right here. Use #southlakechristian to share your news and join the conversation. Follow us on your network of choice: SouthLake on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn; SouthLake Athletics on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

SouthLake Christian's social media accounts were created to share community-related news, events, and accomplishments with SouthLake Christian parents, students, faculty and staff, alumni, and the broader community. All postings on these sites are at the discretion of the SouthLake Christian staff.

SouthLake Christian's Social Media Community Guidelines

Please allow us to keep a friendly and positive environment for all by protecting the privacy and rights of the School’s students, faculty, and staff. The staff at SouthLake Christian Office regularly reviews comments to ensure they are acceptable and do not include harsh or abusive language that may be offensive to members of our student body and/or staff. 
Any comments that are intentionally rude or potentially harmful to others will be removed. SouthLake Christian reserves the right to delete or remove comments and block any person or entity that violates any of the policies below:
  • No abusive, obscene, vulgar, or inappropriate language or postings (this includes remarks that are sexually explicit, racist, anti-LGBTQ, or sexist).
  • No comments that easily identify students and/or staff in a defamatory, abusive, or generally negative tone.
  • No comments or postings that do not show proper consideration for others’ privacy or are likely to offend or provoke others.
We encourage your positive participation on our social media accounts.

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