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Eagle Club

SouthLake Christian offers Eagle Club to supports our athletic program.  The Eagle club offers memberships for those in the SouthLake Christian community.


Our Mission

To promote and encourage attendance in all school activities by the parents, students, friends, and faculty and staff of SouthLake Christian Academy.

Our Purpose

The Eagle Club offers support to our athletic programs through fundraising and memberships to our SouthLake community. Memberships provide parents with team apparel, preferred seating, etc. while funds are used to help supplement and provide extras or the sport’s budget.


The Eagle Club goal is to fulfill its mission by supporting the SouthLake’s athletics programs by funding of areas of need that are not able to be fully covered by the school. We’ve chosen to focus primarily on issues of safety, enhanced competitiveness, team unity and capital improvements.


Membership in the Eagle Club is open to all who wish to support our athletic program and believe in our Mission, and we hope you will join our efforts through membership to helps us accomplish our goals. Your fresh ideas, enthusiasm and servant’s heart are as valuable to our efforts as your membership fee and the possibilities it provides to SouthLake Christian athletes. Thank you for considering the Eagle Club!
Eagle Club memberships are fully tax-deductible and are acquired via GoFan or by filling out the membership form. Each member receives a digital pass and key tag. Different membership tiers are detailed in the following section.
Thank you for your generous donations and your support to our athletes!

Eagle Club Membership Levels

If you would like to pay by check, fill out the form and make your check payable to SouthLake Christian Academy.

Thank You For Your Generous Donations!

Eagle Club Members of the Board

Wendy Herkey, President
Brad Robinson, Vice-President
Jay Semoure, Treasurer
Lisa Stegall, Secretary

Purchase your Legacy Brick Today!

Create a lasting legacy at SouthLake Christian Academy with our Legacy Brick Campaign! Become a part of history by purchasing a personalized, engraved brick to be proudly displayed on our campus.Two choices exist for buying a commemorative brick paver. Deadline to purchase is Sunday, December 8th by midnight. Please contact Joe Haney with any questions.


The Eagle Club is looking for volunteers for the following:

  • Concessions
  • Admissions

sign up here

Eagle Club News

Track & Field Records Board
Lisa McConnell

Our gratitude goes to the Eagle Club for donating the record leader board for the Track & Field team.

  • Athletics News
  • Eagle Club

Thank you to our Corporate Sponsors!