Quick Facts
Students and Teachers
- Student-teacher ratio of 9:1
- 226 students in grades 9-12
- School day is 8:00 a.m.-3:10 p.m.
English, social studies, mathematics, science, Spanish, computer science, the arts, health and physical education or athletics
- Classes operate on a block schedule with a select number of year-long classes
- Biblical integration into the students' subject matter in which they weave God’s truth into their lessons organically to help students better understand the nature and character of God
- AP coursework (11th and 12th grade students)
- Earn credits online during Summer
Learning Spaces
- Wilcox Building: classrooms and student lounge area/study hall
- Sanctuary: chapel services
- Science, engineering and robotics labs
- Gym
- Athletic Fields
Co-Curricular Programs
- 20+ activities, clubs and organizations
- Performing Arts
- JV and Varsity Athletics
- Global and Outdoor Education Programs
Advisory and Support
- Small, mixed-grade groups meet regularly with faculty advisors
- A guidance counselor and a college & career counselor
- Learning specialist, academic dean of students